SW: Develop your ideas about transcendence and physical-spiritual influence through images. FS: For me, concentration is important when working on a painting, not necessarily at all stages of the process. There are parts of the picture that I execute in a very unconcentrated state, with small talk, music listening or whatever it may be. But at one point, the image must be charged in order to work. Ideally the picture is then beyond the limits of knowledge – where time and space disappear. When I discard a painting it is often due to a lack of presence at some stage in this process, that I have lost control and concentration. I believe that images function as a kind of antenna towards both inner and outer worlds. But this is of course complicated because much art is filtered through various theories. It is rare that a pure viewing pleasure arises – for me it often happens in churches and temples. I like The Woodland Cemetery in Stockholm, a city for the dead. That idea is appealing. |
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